I and My Cats have been severely abused, beaten and raped by the dea, drug enforcement agency, the uspis and the director of national intelligence, lora shiao. They slashed my face and punched Me a lot. I have black eyes and my face is covered in blood. I am calling for the execution and murder of lora shiao, she slashed My face with a razor while holding Me down and punched Me. I’ll post pictures tomorrow. If no one murders her, I will Myself. You can’t escape Justice. I will torture you for hours and smash your face and body with various objects. I want to slit your throat and bring you so close to death. I want to smash your face with a hammer. Before delivering the lethal blow. Unless someone murders her first. Hope you have good security. πŸ”ͺπŸ©ΈπŸ’‰


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