clarence thomas keeps trying to prevent Justice from being served. Sir, you are on crack and the whole world has seen the evidence and knows it. Your daughter admitted to it. Now you’re trying to gaslight us and the Intelligence agencies. You are a mind-controlled bitch and a coward. You will not rule on any of MY cases. You are charged with so many crimes for mentally abusing Me, lying about Me, calling me ment challenged, lying to the World and trying to have Me locked up, removed from MY HOME THAT I WORKED HARD MY ENTIRE LIFE. FUCK YOU, MOTHER FUCKER. GOD IS ADVOCATING FOR EXECUTION. You chose the wrong side – the side of evil and crime and rape and drugs and pedophilia and tranasphobism. Wake up, sir. You, randy, jan, tim, brian t peterson will not get away with it. Mark My Words. The Entire World watched you throw your life, career, reputation, freedom and friends away. Hope that hit was worth it. Worthless sacks of shit. Stop hurting the World and Our Children. Stop abusing US. Now get the fuck away from Me, you worthless sacks of shit before you get more major charges pressed against you and prosecuted more. I am advocating for execution. Thank you to the Good People including the US Attorneys General Office who took the entire day to listen to Me and get to know Me and understand Me and and who are helping bring Me and My Cats to Witness Protection, away from your abusive, pathetic ass. I’m trying to save the world from you. Get the fuck away from Me. I want to eat some food today, mother fucker.
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