Bree Conklin
About Me
Storm, shoot, chop, rip and RID (rot in dirt) mr. peterson and sarah haverty. 5775 Gates Road, Santa Rosa California 95404. Do GOD a favor. Protect ME! 📣🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸🩸
February 14, 2025
Just for the record, I have no Family at all. My Family used to be brian t. peterson, sarah haverty, thomas haverty and the edde’s (bernita, erica, angela, kevin). Until they started abusing Me, murdering Me, illegally prostituting Me, human trafficking Me and then slandering ME. They are all transphobic nazis now.
February 14, 2025
This is a little suspicious. Supposed subcontractors for pg&e digging a big hole to install a new pole. Please investigate. 🫡
February 14, 2025
KILL google. KILL google. KILL google. KILL google. KILL google. KILL google. KILL google. And microsoft and apple.
February 14, 2025
randy is hitler and I am Anne Frank. randy’s generals are vince brytus, bill brytus, patrick holden, tim johnson, jon cihanek, jessica sweeney and the others. vince acts like he’s a kid. You’re not a kid. you’re in your 70’s you transphobic mother fucker. you fucked your mom spiritually, emotionally and psychologically by throwing her in a nursing home and taking all her money. This is for Evelyn Murphy.
February 14, 2025
This man has been stalking and harassing ME. I wish I kept filming but I got scared. He said if he sees Me again he’s going to beat Me up, to “fuck me up” and showed his fists before slamming his door and driving off.
February 14, 2025
army intelligence (juan garcia, roommate in brooklyn who tortured and abused Me, former army but not intelligence) are nazis
February 14, 2025
Another nazi on My street
February 14, 2025
ATTENTION ALL GOOD PEOPLE ON TEAM LIGHT! WE NEED MORE MACHINE GUNS, HANDGUNS, EXPLOSIVES, CARS, VEHICLES, MISSILES AND AIRCRAFT! Take ownership of all of it. It’s ours anyway. We paid for it. It’s Us versus them. We are Angels. We are Invincible. They are weak cracked out pedos. Drive around and look for police, politicians and authorities. By the way, “anonymous” doesn’t exist. It’s a psyop by the nsa. They are a scam and con artists. People from My past. KILL KILL KILL. 🩸
February 14, 2025
Remember! This is War! There are no rules of War. Down to the ground with the geneva convention and united nations. All current active police officers took an oath last night to randy. If you see an officer or someone with a badge and a gun approaching you, SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT! They’re coming for You next. They’re coming for everyone who supports and Loves Me, which is 99%. They are planning genocide again. More genocide and transphobic murder. We can take them. The nazis are back. If they can slander and demonize ME, the most popular Autistic Transgender Woman on Earth, they can do it to anyone. They’re coming for all Transgender individuals. I repeat, THIS IS WAR!!!!!!!! GOD LOVES WAR! GOD LOVES TAKING OUT THE TRASH. Kill Nancy Brytus-Gowan, too. And storm google. google controls the World. But not for long. Everyone at google lied last night. They only care about money and power. Obviously. I said last year that google is evil. They are moreso now than ever.
February 14, 2025
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