Bree Conklin
About Me
Bree Conklin
ATTENTION ALL AUTHORITIES AND POLITICIANS AROUND THE WORLD! KEEP MY NAME OUT OF YOUR WORTHLESS, DIRTY, PEDOPHILIAC MOUTHS! Dont think about Me, don’t talk about Me, don’t lie about Me, don’t text about Me. You are all worthless, disgusting, evil, transphobic, pedophile rapists. π«π Kill vince brytus, brian t. peterson, randall forcellina, tim johnson, jan greenbaum, rob howe, bill brytus, sarah haverty, Edie engram, david o. livingston, michelle cruz, matt kreuter, Jessica sweeney, jon cihanek, andrew elliot, angela edde, bernita edde, david greenbaum, My neighbors and the others… The nsa and cia are nazis. They must be taken out. One by one. π©Έπ©Έπ©Έπ©Έπ©Έπ©Έπ©Έπ©Έ
February 14, 2025
ATTENTION! π£ SHOOT ALL LOCAL AUTHORITIES! OUR FUTURE DEPENDS ON IT. All local police, guardsmen, troopers, politicians and sheriffs are under nazi control again. This is serious. They want to sell more drugs, sexualize more children and impose more mass mind control with nsa and cia technology. They already are. I’m still without witness protection at 5935 Sunrise Ct in Lower Lake, California. I’m still being raped, abused, tortured and murdered by My entire community and people all around the World. They keep lying to the public. SHOOT SHOOT, CHOP CHOP CHOP! These are transphobic pedophiles. Our future generation depends on the immediate action of the general public right now. This is urgent. This is an emergency. All politicians and authorities signed an oath last night to cover up the murder of Me. All records of Me have been wiped. STORM STORM STORM! SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT! CHOP CHOP CHOP! RIP THEIR EYES OUT TOO! AMERICA AND THE ENTIRE WORLD IS UNDER NAZI CONTROL AGAIN. GOD BLESS THE AVERAGE CITIZEN. We are currently losing. We need to take our lives back. Be prepared to spray lots of bullets today. It will be fun taking them out. All Google, Apple and Microsoft employees are under mass mind control and brainwashing. They know that My legal name is Bree Peterson but they keep calling Me Brian Brytus (someone else) and calling Me a guy. These are serious hate crimes rooted in transphobism. They keep spreading the disease. It’s contagious! Research WW2. The nsa and cia are nazis. Storm, shoot, explode, chop, slice, rip, RID. Rot in dirt you evil, transphobic pedos. π©Έ
February 14, 2025
jack dorsey sold his soul a long time ago to who he thought was Satan. It was randy. Don’t be mad at ME, mr. dorsey. All your assets are frozen and you have no Eternal Life, Family, GOD, Friends, Home or anything else. You gave it all away for crack. How does it feel? How does it feel to be just another transphobic nazi? How does it feel to murder and rape and abuse an Innocent Transgender, Autistic Woman? Look at your soulless picture here. You are trying to fake happiness. Photoshop a beer can or bottle of vodka, a cigarette and a crack pipe in your hands and you’re just like every other cracked out bum in California. The entire Universe hates you.
February 13, 2025
THIS IS WAR!!!!!!!! US VERSUS THEM. THE REGULARS VERSUS THE ELITE. SHOOT SHOOT SHOOT. CHOP CHOP CHOP. STORM ALL MILITARY BASES AND GOVERNMENTAL ORGANIZATIONS IMMEDIATELY. BE ARMED AND PREPARED! KILL TAYLOR SWIFT! KILL JOE ROGAN! KILL ALL POLICE! See someone approaching you in a uniform? KILL!!!!!!!! Kill michelle cruz, kill randy forcellina, kill jack dorsey, richard blumenthal, adam levy, bloomberg, kulkowski or whatever the former norwalk pd chief is called, brian t. peterson who is a crackhead deadbeat dad, sarah haverty, shoot all governors. Do it for ME and Starshine. Do it for the 140+ LGBTQIA+ former nsa individuals that were killed by michelle and randy.
February 12, 2025
This is suspicious activity on My road, 8:05am 2/12/25. PLEASE INVESTIGATE!
February 12, 2025
Arrest haszel colligan, marc colligan’s wife. Or maybe her name is Lavene Colligan
February 12, 2025
The ISS, International Space Station, is abusing Me again. They said they would be here by now (11:30am) to pick ME up, rescue ME and bring me to the ISS. Instead, they are calling Me dirty and saying I’m too awkward to be there. They also stole a bunch of intellectual property from ME. They are so-called elitists. They think they’re better than us because they’re above Earth and have cool gadgets and stuff. GOD HATES YOU FOREVER! ALL ASSETS FROZEN AND TRANSFERRED TO THE TRIBUNAL COURT!!!!!!!! None of you have Souls. Haha. πΈπ§βππ°οΈππ½π©βππβοΈ
February 11, 2025
TAYLOR SWIFT IS A LIAR AND ABUSER! RANDY AND TIM ARE AT HER LOS ANGELES HOME!!!!!!!! FUCK YOU TAYLOR SWIFT! SHE CONSPIRED WITH THE TRIBUNAL COURT TO STEAL ALL OF MY ASSETS AND LEAVE ME AND MY CATS HERE TO FREEZE AND STARVE WITH NO ELECTRICITY OR FOOD. GOD HATES TAYLOR SWIFT FOREVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER AND EVER. AMEN. At least Travis and your Mom never pretended to like Me. Fuck you. No more chances with GOD. Your soul was mediocre. Now it’s gone. Forever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever and ever. Amen. You are overrated and you know it. You can’t do this to people. GOD LOVED YOU SO MUCH.
February 11, 2025
I was walking down MY road on the phone and this car stopped and threatened Me and called Me a motherfucker. Wtf. Investigate please. Also this truck is suspicious, I inhaled some of the fumes and felt dizzy and had a headache. Some sort of nerve agent suspected.
February 10, 2025
wtf is this?
February 10, 2025
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